Charalambides Christis, in the context of the activities of our social solidarity programme "Symmetochi", and in collaboration with the Organisation REACTION, having faith in doing our best, faith in a better tomorrow, and in a better world for all of us, has created the initiativeFamilyStoriesbyCharalambidesChristis.
The initiative, which is being carried out in collaboration with the Organisation REACTION, has been placed under the auspice of the First Lady of the Republic of Cyprus, Mrs Andri Anastasiades, and has the support of the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Mrs Despo Michaelidou. The office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights functions as a content consultant for the initiative.
The aim of this initiative is for distinguished experts to communicate ways of approaching issues of human behavior that have arisen in the context of the new way of life.
Charalambides Christis and the organisation REACTION, with the contribution of experts, are approaching issues related to our daily lives and especially to the daily lives of families. At FamilyStoriesbyCharalambidesChristis, educators, teachers, psychologists and athletes, Olympians and Paralympians, through informative, interactive, educational and live videos, give their own optimistic message for a better today and a better tomorrow.
The videos will be posted as of April 29th and will be shown via social media accounts / the social media of Charalambides Christis social solidarity and active giving programme Symmetochi, the Organisation REACTION, as well as the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights.
The wife of the President of the Republic, Mrs Andri Anastasiades, stated that “These testing times and the new way of life we are experiencing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have changed our everyday lives. Any initiative that comes with the sole purpose of supporting children and their parents in these difficult times can only but have our undivided support and backing. Acts like these of Charalambides Christis and Organisations such as Reaction, with the participation of teachers, psychologists, educators and athletes, give meaning to Social Solidarity, while making the future brighter with examples of selfless solidarity and support to mankind. Warmest congratulations to Charalambides Christis and Reaction for this initiative. We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts”.
In her speech, the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Mrs Despo Michaelidou, stated: We are living differently from the way we have been used to for so many years. The most disruptive changes are being experienced by children, who have been cut off from their friends, are unable to go out, and have limited play, and are now looking for other activities and ways of communicating, in order to cope with this difficult situation. For this reason, actions such as those of Family Stories of Charalambides Christis in collaboration with Reaction, prove in practice how responsibly such organisations can contribute, in the effort to deal with the pandemic. I think it's time to acknowledge and applaud the mature way in which older children, in particular, are dealing with this unprecedented situation, while also acknowledging the contribution of younger children, with their imagination, creativity and happy attitude. I want to believe that we, the adults, will continue to accept them as equal citizens even after we are no longer "hostages of the Covid-19". However, it is equally important to activate all the protective mechanisms and all of the factors that will help them maintain their physical, emotional and mental health, for as long as the measures that have been taken last. Finally, to make sure that we will hold onto the knowledge and experience that we have gained so far and to make the best use of it.
Marios Stavrou, the President of REACTION, stated that it is an initiative that aims at children and society in general. “Unfortunately, we are going through an unprecedented situation caused by the pandemic, which has affected the daily lives of children and families. We want to pass on the message of optimism and positive thinking. Warm thanks to Charalambides Christis for the initiative. We are confident that together, we will succeed”.
Mr Alexis Charalambides, the President of Charalambides Christis, stated that “Charalambides Christis, through our social solidarity programme "Symmetochi", actively supports our fellow human beings in need, focusing on children and their families. Family is the core of our society, especially in these difficult times we are experiencing, and its role is absolutely decisive. Families, and especially parents, are called to respond to this new uncharted and unprecedented situation, especially in relation to their daily routine at home, which has drastically changed due to the new way of life.
In collaboration with Reaction, we have designed and implemented the initiative Family Stories by Charalambides Christis, with the aim of being by the side of each family, and with the contribution of experts, to suggest ways of achieving better communication within the family in the present situation, especially in relation to children and their needs. I personally thank the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights, who immediately and effectively responded to our request, with the know-how of her team as content consultants for our initiative.
I especially thank the First Lady of the Republic of Cyprus, Mrs Andri Anastasiades, who placed this initiative under her auspice, for which together we are all conveying a resounding message of solidarity, with the faith that we are doing our best, with faith for a better world for all of us”.
#FamilyStories #Symmetochi #GinomasteKaliteroi #CharalambidesChristis #ToKaliteroMas
Charalambides Christis is the largest and longest-running Cypriot dairy industry, and a leader in food production and distribution. The company, while preserving the authenticity of flavours, timelessly provides and always in accordance with the international standards of quality and know-how, products of high nutritional value and quality. The quality of Charalambides Christis is internationally recognised, with the company being active in exports in more than 32 countries, making it the largest export company in Cyprus. Apart from being one of the strongest industries in Cyprus, Charalambides Christis is also distinguished for its Corporate Social Responsibility. With the company’s programme of active giving and social solidarity "SYMMETOCHI", it effectively responds nationwide to the social needs of the whole country.
Charalambides Christis supports and honours sports. In this context, and remaining loyal to its mission and commitment to communicating the Olympic and Paralympic principles, Charalambides Christis will be participating as the Main Sponsor of the Cyprus Olympic Committee and the Cyprus National Paralympic Committee. At the same time, it will be supporting multi-sport Cypriot athletes, Olympians and Paralympians.